Monday, March 8, 2010

Successful Tips for Weight Loss

Step 1: Eat more fruits and vegetables
Fruits and vegetables are low in calories and packed with vitamins, minerals, and nutrients.  Since they are high in fiber, they take a while to digest which will keep you satisfied for a longer time. 

Step 2: Watch your portion size
Today portions are out of control.  When cooking at home serve yourself half of what you normally would put on your plate.  Keep in mind that half your plate is veggies, followed by 1/4 protein and 1/4 whole grains.  After you finish eating, wait 10 minutes, because it takes our bodies 10-15 minutes to realize we are full.  When dining out, it's best to share an entree or take half home.  Restaurants typically serve large portions loaded with extra calories. 

Step 3: Do not skip meals
Eating small meals throughout the day will keep your metabolism going and burning calories all day long.  When we skip meals are blood sugar level rises, which inhibits calorie burning and when we finally eat our body stores the food.  

Step 4: Eat real whole foods
Try to avoid eating overly processed and packaged foods.  These fast foods are higher in calories, fat, and sodium.  

Step 5: Drink Water
To figure out how much water you should be drinking: divide your body weight in half and that number is how many oz. you should be drinking a day.  When our body is dehydrated, we can make the mistake of thinking we are hungry instead of thirsty.  Drink plenty of water to avoid bloating, headaches, and hunger pains.  

Step 6: Stick to whole grain
Whole grains are loaded with fiber, nutrients, and even protein (i.e. quinoa).  White bread, pasta, and rice is processed with no nutritional value.  Whole grains consist of brown rice, buckwheat (aka kasha), oats, millet, spelt, & quinoa.  

Step 7: EXERCISE!!!
Diet alone will not keep the pounds off.  Exercise aids in weigh loss, in addition to improving your mood & energy, increasing your metabolism, and strengthening your muscles & core. So what are you waiting for? Get moving now!